Jacket2 offers commentary on modern and contemporary poetry and poetics. We publish articles, reviews, interviews, discussions and collaborative responses, archival documents, podcasts, and descriptions of poetry symposia and projects. We also publish discursive explorations and transcripts of material in the PennSound archive.
My work as an assistant editor with Jacket2 is focused on listening around the PennSound archive and producing transcriptions of interesting recordings for publication.
Here are the transcriptions Jacket2 has published so far:
Robert Creeley on W.C. Williams
On Lyn Hejinian’s “constant change figures”
Ted Berrigan, with Lyn Hejinian and Kit Robinson
LINEbreak with Barbara Guest
Close Listening with Marjorie Perloff
LINEbreak with Bruce Andrews
Close Listening with Myung Mi Kim
Steve Evans and Al Filreis on recordings of poetry
PhillyTalks: Brian Kim Stefans and Fred Wah
Susan Schultz, with Leonard Schwartz
Christian Bök: On being stubborn
Stephen Ratcliffe, with Linda Russo
Jerome Rothenberg, at the Kelly Writers House
On Louis Zukofsky’s “Anew”
Lyn Hejinian: I am suddenly aware the phrases happen
PhillyTalks: Melanie Neilson and Heather Fuller
Kiki Smith on Leslie Scalapino, with Leonard Schwartz
Close Listening with Wystan Curnow
Robert Creeley, at the Kelly Writers House
Robin Blaser, with Leonard Schwartz
Bernadette Meyer with Susan Howe in 1979