Convivialities: Dialogues on Poetics (2025)
Milman Parry en Yougoslavie (2025)
Our Format: PennSound and the Articulation of an Interface (2020)
On the Transmission of Poetics (2020)
Amid the voices, of course. Their beautiful noise. (2020)
Poetics in a Networked Digital Milieu (2020)
Skirmish at the Oasis: On Sonic Disobedience (2016)
On Settler Conceptualism (2016)
Fugitive Sound: The Phonotext and Critical Practice (2015)
Listen! Listen! Listen!: Jackson Mac Low’s Phonopoetics (2015)
Cecilia Vicuña and Raven Chacon (2024)
Occasional Work
Dial-a-Poem / Allo-Poèmes (2021)
Vincent Meessen’s Blues Klair (2019)
Foreword, for John Luna’s Listing (2015)
Anarchism without Adjectives (2014)
Conceptual Writing and the Avant-Garde in Canada (2014)
Orisont: Eight Poets from Montréal (2014)
Concrete Poetics: A Line in the Constellation (2014)
from [ A C I V I L E L E G Y ] (2013)